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What is a variable?

In programming a variable is often referred to as named storage location that stores a data or value. The data or value stored in a variable may change through out the program execution.

Variables data type

A variable data type is a refers to the type of value or data a variable is storing.

Variables data type in python are derived from the value they store, because Python is a dynamically-typed, meaning the variable data type is subject to change with respect to change of its value type.


A constant is a value or data which can be used but can’t be modified during the program execution. It stores a fixed value unlike a variable whose value can be changed.

It’s value is meant to not be modified once assigned.

Defining a constant

When defining a constant, all the characters of the constant name should be in upper case.

PI = 3.14

Variable - Naming conventions:

Variable naming conventions are a set of guidelines that helps in choosing a descriptive and meaningful names for variables. Which helps make the code more readable and maintainable if consistently adhered to.

  • variable name should be descriptive and meaningful

  • Do not use abriviations unless widely used (e.g., URL)

  • Use lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers (e.g., my_variable)

  • Avoid using special characters like $ and _ as the first character

  • if a variable name contains more than one word then join them using use underscore _ (e.g., my_seond_variable)

  • Constants are written in all uppercase (e.g., PI)


# acceptable variable name
department = "Computer Science"
# not acceptable SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal
3department = " "

Things to know:

  1. A variable maybe referenced by several different identifiers.

  2. Assigning a value to a variable using one of identifiers will change the value that can be accessed through other identifiers.

Scope of a variable

Scope of variable determines its accessibility within a program, in simple terms, it determines from where within your code you can use a variable.


Global variables have a global scope therefore they are accessible everywhere within your code.

global variable
# Global variable
name = "Alice"
def greet():
# Accessing the global variable inside the function
print("Hello, " + name + "!")
def change_name(new_name):
global name # Declaring that we want to modify the global variable
name = new_name
# Call the functions
greet() # Output: Hello, Alice!
greet() # Output: Hello, Bob!


Local variables have a local scope therefore they are only accessible within a function or block scope.

local variable
def greet():
# Local variable
name = "Alice"
print("Hello, " + name + "!")
def change_name():
# This 'name' variable is local to this function and different from the one in greet()
name = "Bob"
print("Inside change_name, name is: " + name)
# Call the functions
greet() # Output: Hello, Alice!
change_name() # Output: Inside change_name, name is: Bob
# Trying to access the local variable outside the function will cause an error
# print(name) # Uncommenting this line will result in a NameError