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Tuple Data Type

Tuple is a built-in immutable data type that is used to store a collection of data. It can be of the same or different data type. It’s best suitable for storing a data that cannot change since it’s immutable, unlike a list whose elements can be modified.

Creating a tuple

A tuple data type can be created using a comma separated-values placed within a parenthesis ().


creating a tuple
# creating a tuple with different data type
student_info = (“Ben”, 21, 8500.0)
# Incorrect way of creating a tuple with one item
number = (2)
# Correct way of creating a tuple with one item
price = (23,)


When creating a tuple with one item, we put a comma after that item.


Other ways of creating a tuple

There are other ways of creating a tuple which we’ll mention.

using tuple() constructor

One of the built-in tuple() function is also used to create a tuple. It takes a sequence data type and constructs a tuple with it’s items. If no argument is provided then it will construct an empty tuple.


using tuple() to create a tuple
colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow"]
tuple_colors = tuple(colors)